Excibuoy Integrated Offshore Renewable Energy Platforms

An offshore renewable energy opportunity  

Simple, scalable, repeatable, reliable

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Please contact Roy Robinson at roy.robinson@excipioenergy.com if you are an accredited investor and would like access to a confidential offering package.

What Excipio sees is a future where fleets of Excibuoys, moored in the deep waters of the globe, produce carbon-free fuel and energy, at a competitive price, and in an environmentally friendly way.If you are interested in practical, profitable, and reliable offshore renewable energy the Excibuoy is what the future of offshore renewable energy will look like. 

Play the video below for a detailed presentation of the Excipio Energy vision.

Gulf of Mexico Energy Infrastructure Re-use and Blue Development

Contrary to the perception the Gulf is the least desirable area for offshore renewable energy deployment in the US, the Gulf of Mexico is the best area in terms of economic opportunity. 

  • The renewable energy resources in the Gulf are excellent and will be more reliable than the conventional wind developments being planned for the other coasts.
  • The combination of the need for more clean power onshore, proximity to the largest refinery complexes in the world that need hydrogen and produce carbon dioxide in recoverable concentrations, and the need to power offshore oil and gas development and Blue Economy industries means there is a large and growing market for offshore renewable power.
  • The presence of offshore oil and gas developments means leasing and permitting is simpler, development and operational costs are less, the legacy facilities can be used for energy hubs or hosts for aquaculture, the pipelines can be used for exporting power to shore or importing CO2 for sequestration, and the wells can be used for carbon capture and storage or geothermal energy production. 

This DOE study provides detailed answer to the following questions:

  • What is the potential utility of legacy platforms, wells, and pipelines to renewable energy and Blue Economy activities?
  • What renewable energy systems are economically viable in the Gulf of Mexico and can be deployed safely on existing leases?
  • What Blue Economy industries can be facilitated by using legacy assets in the Gulf of Mexico?
  • Who can apply for and what is the process for repurposing existing assets or adding new assets to existing leases?
  • What are the benefits to the current owners, the Gulf Coast Region, and environment?